Administrator Reports


Users who are State administrators and report viewers can view and generate content creation and usage data reports from the Administrator dashboard option. Each State has access to their own usage reports. Administrators can choose the cards on their dashboard to see content that are relevant to them and then view the reports as graphs or in a tabular format, as summary’s or with details. The granularity of the report can be configured for each report type based on the State’s need. These reports can be viewed and downloaded. Reports are updated on a daily or weekly frequency.

Type of Reports

There are ten types of reports in ETB:

  • Pulse of the Nation Learning: The graph provides DIKSHA platform activity and level of usage over a week across all states. The graph is updated every hour.
  • Digital Learning Experience Nationwide: This report provides the total number of content played on the DIKSHA portal and app. This report is refreshed every week and provides details for a period of 30 days.
  • Digital Learning Experience Statewide: This report provides details of DIKSHA usage in terms of total content plays on App and Portal. The analysis provides total content plays for the last 30 days at a daily level. Data is refreshed every week.
  • Digital Learning per Capita: This report provides the total number of content played per 1000 expected users over a period of 30 days. The expected user for each state is calculated using the DISE data for the appropriate grade. In this analysis, only government school teachers and students are considered as expected users.
  • DIKSHA Daily Usage Reports: This report provides details of DIKSHA usage in terms of QR code scans, content download and content played. This report is updated daily. Administrators and report viewers can filter this report to view district wise usage.
  • Content Creation Report: This report provides details of all content creation activities for any particular week.
  • Content Consumption Report: This report provides consumption details of all content created by a State. This report is generated for all States every week. The data for each week is appended into the same CSV. Within the Content Consumption Report there are three new reports that has been added. These are:
    • Aggregated metrics till date
    • Weekly metrics (for last 6 weeks): consumption metrics for last 6 weeks
    • Weekly metrics (for the last week): consumption metrics for the preceding weeks
  • Live QR Code Content Status Report: This report provides details of QR codes available in current textbooks with content linked to them and those without linked content.

This report helps State administrators and report viewers identify QR codes without linked content and take appropriate action. This report is updated weekly.

  • ETB Creation Status Report: This report provides details on the status of energized textbook creation. It helps State administrators and report viewers track the ETB creation process, identify incomplete textbooks and take action to complete the process.
  • District Level Monthly Report: This report provides details on the total number of unique devices that have visited the DIKSHA app and portal over a period of one month. To generate and view this report, States must share their town-to-district mapping with the concerned DIKSHA personnel.
  • District Level Weekly Usage Report: This report provides details on the total number of unique devices that have visited, scanned, and played the content on the DIKSHA app and portal over a period of one week. To generate and view this report, States must share their town-to-district mapping with the concerned DIKSHA personnel.

There are three types of reports specific to Teacher Professional Development:

  • Online Course Report: This report provides State administrators and report viewers the adoption, usage, and completion of course programs launched by the State. These reports provide course enrolment and completion details. Enrolment reports provide data on the number of users enrolled for a course within a specific State as well as other States. Completion reports provide data on the status of user course completion.
  • Progress Report: This report provides information on the overall progress of the courses being consumed by users. It also provides details of teachers who have received certificates and teachers who have been issued but have not received the certificates, and progress details of nested courses, if any. The report is generated daily and the last updated time is displayed on the report.
  • Score Report: This report provides information about the best assessment scores of users. The report is generated daily and the last updated time is displayed on the report.

There are three reports specific to the consumption data of observation and improvement project resources (State admins can request DIKSHA support team to publish these reports for their state):

  • Improvement Project report: This report provides state administrators and report viewers with aggregated data on the adoption, usage and completion of Improvement projects across programs. The charts show the aggregated data of:
    • No. of users who are consuming the projects
    • Status of users across projects they are taking
    • District wise distribution of the submissions of the improvement projects.
  • Observation reports: This report provides state administrators and report viewers with the aggregated data on the adoption, usage and completion of observations across programs. The charts show aggregated data of:
    • No. of users consuming the observations
    • Status of users across observations they are taking
    • District wise distribution of the submissions of the observations.
  • Observation with rubric report: This report provides state administrators and report viewers the adoption, usage and completion of observations with rubric across programs. The charts show the aggregated data of
    • No. of users consuming the observations with rubric
    • Status of users across observations with rubric they are taking
    • District wise distribution of the submissions of the observations with rubric
    • Levels achieved for the domain and criteria.

There are reports related to User active on DIKSHA.

  • DIKSHA Active User: This report gives a detailed Diksha Active user count on daily basis. It will have the data of no of users on the portal and App and sum of the same.


The State administrator or report viewer gets creation and consumption analytics from the reports.

Creation Analytics

Creation analytics are based on QR codes and content linked to the QR codes. It derives reports for:

a. Content linked to QR codes in a book

b. Details about individual QR codes, and specifically highlights QR codes that are not linked to any content

Consumption Analytics

DIKSHA consumption statistics allow State administrators and report viewers to monitor usage patterns. Reports are available from January 1, 2018, onwards. Administrators can download and analyze the following daily DIKSHA usage reports:

a. Total QR Codes Scanned - Depicts the number of QR codes that are scanned on a particular day

b. Percentage of Failed QR Code Scans - Depicts the percentage of failed QR code scans on a particular day.
Scans may fail when there is no content linked to a QR code that is printed on a textbook, or if a user scans a QR code that is not yet associated with a textbook

c. Total Content Download- Depicts the count of content downloaded using the DIKSHA mobile app

d. Total Distinct Devices- Depicts the number of unique devices that access the DIKSHA app

e. Total Content Played- Depicts the cumulative count of content played in a day

f. Total Hours of Content Played- Depicts the duration (in hours) of content played across devices using the DIKSHA app on any given day